It's almost my birthday! Yeah...except I have a little predicament, it's a bit juvenile. I call my social role a "floater". I don't really have a set group of friends, which I'm ok with for several reasons: 1) I can choose the people I hang out with. When you're in a group, there's always that one person that you really can't stand, but you're forced to hang out with anyway. But I'm not in a group, so I can just call up specific people and be all "Let's do things". 2) No conformity! I don't have to do things I don't feel comfortable doing, just to fit into a group.
What's annoying, though, is that University is clique-y. I didn't think it would be, but it is. Socially, it's like highschool. Last year in res, everyone got all group-ish and exclusive, and then I was left out. And then this year, I thought I was with this group of people that are in my class, but suddenly they got exclusive too, and no one invited me to things. But it's totally fine, I still have friends, so it's all good.
Anywho, my birthday pickle: I want to have a birthday thing with friends, but my friends don't really know each other. They are all from separate groups, so if I invite them all to the same thing, the probability of the situation being awkard is very high. And then there is also the "if I invite her, I have to invite that other person too, or else they would get mad". And suddenly my "little birthday thing" turns into "large house party where everything gets trashed". What to do?! I would rather not do anything for my b-day, whatever, it's just a b-day, right? Then again, I haven't had a birthday party for myself since I was eight, I believe. Blah! Maybe I just won't do anything.
On a lighter, less annoying note: my new favourite animal = SEA CUCUMBER!!! A sea cucumber is basically a slimy water balloon. It's kind of like a giant slug, but less gross, and more fun to hold in your hand. I want my very own squishy cucumber!! I shall name him Mr. Sweaters, just because.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago