So, basically this post is just for Becca (hi, Becca!) because no one else reads this. Except for my boss, if I tell him I blooged (hi, Chief!). I think that's the main reason I don't keep up with this.
So, I really think there should be some ground rules for riding the bus. And I don't mean "no food, no hitting the bus driving" type rules. I mean, no stupid people rules. The more I ride the bus, the more Guelph appears to swell with creepers.
A very important rule that should be carried out on the bus is that strangers should not be allowed to invite themselves into other people's conversations. Just the other day, I was sitting on the bus when three girls came on. One girl said to the others, "My house is freezing!". The crazy lady near by pitched in with (and I'm going to type crazily to illustrate how crazy she is), "my FurnAce is BRoKen! MY HousE is So VEry colD! I HaD to turn On the oVEn so ONLy onE roOm wAs waRM, thE kitCHen! I HavE two aNImAlS, a Cat and A RaBBIt, SO I got TheM fROm the BasEMent and PuT tHEm by thE HeaT so They werEn'T so ColD!...." The girls nodded nervously. The woman went on until they got off, and then stared at me, but I avoided her glare so she wouldn't continue her rabbit and cat story to me. I wish it wasn't rude to say "Please, you are creepy and I don't want you to talk to me. Go away."
A variation of this is when creepy old men just start talking to girls. I have seen this happen so many times. What old men need to know is, if you're not related to them, as soon as you talk to a young girl you're creepy. You're also creepy if you mutter to yourself.
An exception to the above rule is correcting people. If you overhear someone say something like "So, the current prime minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, is apparently blah blah blah...", you're allowed to jump in and say, "You are obviously stupid, that is not the current prime minister of Canada...". You then must exit the conversation, unless otherwise invited to continue.
Another bus situation that bothers me is on the way to school when it's busy and students take up eighteen seats for themselves. Especially when people are standing, and they still have their bag on the seat beside them. Really? Are you the only person here? You don't see anyone but yourself? Great, that's super!
Why can't guys sit directly beside each other on the bus? They always sit spaced out, and then continue their obnoxious conversation together. Example: the bus was full, so I sat between two guys, and they continued to talk above my head. It was weird. What, because you're sitting right beside someone you might be labelled gay? No homo!
Well, this has been fun.