So, over the past few days I have been getting increasingly annoyed at PETA and their lack of intelligence (so to speak). PETA people are crazy. I am against all the factory farms and starving animals etc, but PETA takes things a little too far. There are so many arguments I have against PETA, I don't know where to start.
Ok, so, I went on their little propaganda website and read this one thing about how dogsledding is so terrible. I read most of the comments after this article and I cannot believe how uneducated people are about animals. These are the people that join PETA, they just love animals, and they have no idea what they are talking about. For instance, they think dogsledding is terrible and kills dogs. Untrue. I have been dogsledding (and I loved it! I want to go again, I suggest you try it). The kennel was full of dogs all with their own little circle in the snow with a little hut that all have their names on them. To a crazy uneducated PETA person, this would seem cruel. However, this is so far from cruel! The dogs are all well fed and each of them get attention from the kennel employees. Also, PETA's agruments against the sport is that "it's cruel to have the dogs running out in the cold temperatures". No, it's not. For several reasons: 1) These dogs were bred over generations and generations to be able to withstand the harsh temperatures, they are made for living outside; 2) These dogs love love love love to run. As soon as you hook those dogs up to the sled, they go CRAZY because they just want to take off and go for a good run! Everytime you stop the dogs, it takes your entire body weight to hold them back from taking off again. Also, dog sledders never over-run their dogs and if there is an injured dog, they will not run it. Dogsledders love their dogs, just like you love your pet dog. PETA people also think that the dogs are being forced into doing things they don't want to do. Not true. If a dog doesn't want to run, it just won't. The same goes for jumping or running horses. But PETA will not accept these arguments.
Also, PETA likes to compare things to other things that are simply not comparable to anything. Eg: they compared factory farms to the Holocaust. I don't think anything can be compared to the Holocaust! This is so offensive! I can't believe they can get away with this! They have also compared animal rights to African American rights. Also two uncomparable things. Animals are animals, African Americans are FRIKKEN HUMANS!!! I love animals and all, but they do not feel the same way humans do, they are not as complex as we are. Plus domesticated farm animals are so stupid that all we can really do is eat them. Ha ha. I'm sorry, but it's so true. A chicken does not care where it is, as long as it has food and water.
I have read articles on how PETA "rescued" some animals and then, when they run out of room, they just euthanize them and then throw them in the dumpster. Yeah, that's real ethical PETA.
It's just so annoying because there are so many animal lovers that just do not know the facts, so they join PETA. PETA is really good at using propaganda. Oh, look at the cute puppies being treated unfairly! :( First of all, you do not know the story behind the puppies, second, PETA isn't always telling people what really happens behind closed doors in PETA kennels etc, and third, yeah, puppies...what about the HUMANS that are starving in Africa? Or even here?
So next time you are about to be sucked into the club by the cute bunny wabbit that PETA shoves in your face, don't, because PETA is terrible. Ha.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago