Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PETA = terrible

So, over the past few days I have been getting increasingly annoyed at PETA and their lack of intelligence (so to speak). PETA people are crazy. I am against all the factory farms and starving animals etc, but PETA takes things a little too far. There are so many arguments I have against PETA, I don't know where to start.

Ok, so, I went on their little propaganda website and read this one thing about how dogsledding is so terrible. I read most of the comments after this article and I cannot believe how uneducated people are about animals. These are the people that join PETA, they just love animals, and they have no idea what they are talking about. For instance, they think dogsledding is terrible and kills dogs. Untrue. I have been dogsledding (and I loved it! I want to go again, I suggest you try it). The kennel was full of dogs all with their own little circle in the snow with a little hut that all have their names on them. To a crazy uneducated PETA person, this would seem cruel. However, this is so far from cruel! The dogs are all well fed and each of them get attention from the kennel employees. Also, PETA's agruments against the sport is that "it's cruel to have the dogs running out in the cold temperatures". No, it's not. For several reasons: 1) These dogs were bred over generations and generations to be able to withstand the harsh temperatures, they are made for living outside; 2) These dogs love love love love to run. As soon as you hook those dogs up to the sled, they go CRAZY because they just want to take off and go for a good run! Everytime you stop the dogs, it takes your entire body weight to hold them back from taking off again. Also, dog sledders never over-run their dogs and if there is an injured dog, they will not run it. Dogsledders love their dogs, just like you love your pet dog. PETA people also think that the dogs are being forced into doing things they don't want to do. Not true. If a dog doesn't want to run, it just won't. The same goes for jumping or running horses. But PETA will not accept these arguments.

Also, PETA likes to compare things to other things that are simply not comparable to anything. Eg: they compared factory farms to the Holocaust. I don't think anything can be compared to the Holocaust! This is so offensive! I can't believe they can get away with this! They have also compared animal rights to African American rights. Also two uncomparable things. Animals are animals, African Americans are FRIKKEN HUMANS!!! I love animals and all, but they do not feel the same way humans do, they are not as complex as we are. Plus domesticated farm animals are so stupid that all we can really do is eat them. Ha ha. I'm sorry, but it's so true. A chicken does not care where it is, as long as it has food and water.

I have read articles on how PETA "rescued" some animals and then, when they run out of room, they just euthanize them and then throw them in the dumpster. Yeah, that's real ethical PETA.

It's just so annoying because there are so many animal lovers that just do not know the facts, so they join PETA. PETA is really good at using propaganda. Oh, look at the cute puppies being treated unfairly! :( First of all, you do not know the story behind the puppies, second, PETA isn't always telling people what really happens behind closed doors in PETA kennels etc, and third, yeah, puppies...what about the HUMANS that are starving in Africa? Or even here?

So next time you are about to be sucked into the club by the cute bunny wabbit that PETA shoves in your face, don't, because PETA is terrible. Ha.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


..is I. I had lots to do today...why am I not doing them now?

Here are some things that bother me:
1) Why are people wearing shorts and flip flops? Just because it isn't -1000 degrees out, does NOT mean it is summer. Flip flops = summer. It's just so annoying when people jump the gun and break out the summer clothes in spring because #1: what are you going to wear when it's 30+ degrees out? and #2: there are 4 seasons, therefore 4 different times for 4 different types of clothes. Please, put away your shorts and put some pants on. The other day I saw a girl wearing shorts and boots (the Ugg-ly boots, too). Ok, what is that? You are wearing two things that are not made for the spring season; there is no snow out for boots, and it is too cold for shorts, so...what the heck?

2) When people think that singing since they were little automatically means they are good singers. For instance, on Canadian/American Idol, the contestants are all, "Well, I've been singing since I was three!" Yeah, me too. Same with every other normal person in the world. If you meant professionally, you should probably mention that. Also when people think that since they are taking voice lessons, they must be amazing singers. Not true. Voice lessons are to teach you the right way to produce sound. You can produce sound the "right" way and still be tone deaf therefore producing a very loud annoying sound.

3) People who call me "hun" or "sweety" etc. in every day conversation. I don't mind so much the little old ladies who do this, but the girls who are my age especially. I don't understand this.

There are a lot of things that bother me that I probably shouldn't start on (eg: people who aren't open minded), but I don't want to offend anyone. Maybe when I am more experienced in the blogging world I will talk about religion and marijuana and stuff. Ha ha!

Right now, I think I need a hippy boyfriend. Just sayin'. Ha!

Just some random thoughts

Ooooh hey!

So, I'm just sitting here, on a Saturday night, avoiding things. And I've been thinking....

Thinking can be dangerous, at least it can be for me. Things just get out of hand in my mind when I'm by myself. Negative things take over.

I picture my mind as a long hallway with countless doors on either side. Each door has its own subject or topic. Let's say we enter the door of Art. Passed the "Art Door" is a room. This room is smallish, plain, well lit and has filing cabinets. Inside the filing cabinets is files of any art that I can remember, whether it be my own art, or my mom's art, or art I've seen in a museum, it's all the art I have ever seen. Same goes for any other subject, eg: music, math, relationships, etc. Some of the rooms are difficult to open, and sometimes the doors get jammed, like right when I need to get in (during an exam, usually). Other times I lost the key entirely, like the room to the traumatizing/embarrasing memories. That's kinda weird, now that I think about it.

Here is a random song/poem I wrote:
"I can’t stop sleeping,
I won’t stop dreaming
The rain is coming
I can’t wait for it to fall

I’ll just keep living
I’m forced into waiting
But soon I’ll find him
I just don’t know what
I’m looking for

And the days grow longer
And longer and longer until I can’t
Go a day without thinking
Bad thoughts
I push them out

I suit up and go
There’s no reason to stall
I try to forget
That he will come to me soon

I can’t stop thinking
I won’t stop dreaming
The summer’s coming
And I keep working
To live

I try to be happy
When I have nothing
When I have no one
I don’t need anyone
To love

The days get longer
And longer and longer
Until I must sit down and think
Where am I headed?
The path is dark
I will cut my way through

First I will repair me
Then I will look for him
The tiny plant in rows
And rows of weeds
He’s there

Interpret it as you like.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Job: I need one

Oh hey! So, as some of you may well know, I need a job. Soon. Very soon.

I'm moving into my (rented) townhouse at the end of April, and I am so excited! I have a picture in my head of how the furniture is all arranged and stuff, but knowing my future housemate, that's probably not how it's going to look. :) But that's ok! I am fine with whatever! (I know, I'm such a push-over, I can't help it). Anywho, I really need a job so I can actually live in my house, without using my parents money. So this summer is full of working/taking summer courses and me being a crazy cat lady. (potential cat name = Fuzz Lambington).

So, the job search begins. And if you guys know me, I hate talking to strangers. Finding a job means I have to talk to strangers, and act like I love talking to strangers. This has proven to be difficult. The other day my roommate and I set out for the mall with eight resumes. I came back with five resumes. I suck at this! Everytime my roommate would be like "Oh, apply at (insert store name here)!", I would look in the store cautiously and if there was more than 1 costumer, I would say "No way, too busy. I'll come back". And then I never came back. Shoooot!!! And then my mom is all, "Make sure you do a follow up call!" If there is anything worse than handing in resumes, it's doing follow up calls. It usually goes like this: Me: "Hi, I was just wondering if you read my resume?" Potential Employer: "No, you idiot! We aren't even hiring now! Now leave me alone!" Ok, that doesn't really happen, but my imagination loves me.

Yeah, that is my job-hunt situation. Blah, I hate it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


what you're avoiding right now
eg: you are avoiding studying right now

That is a good definition of studying taken from urbandictionary.com.

Anywho, what I wanted to say was that I am obsessing over this blog, and it needs to stop. But maybe it's a good thing in that I have another website that I can visit regularly while avoiding studying. Other websites I "follow": facebook, fmylife, other peoples' blogs.

My thoughts on facebook: everyone puts all of their interests and things on there. Like that list of "25 things about me!". Well, now I have nothing to ask you. Way to go, you just made our face-to-face conversation more awkward. I have decided to make my "personal info" page on FB more general.

Actually now that I think about it, the people I talk to aren't really asking me "so what's your fav movie?" and stuff like that. Probably because the only people I talk to already know that about me. I don't really make new friends that often or that easily. I have almost forgotton how. It's exhausting actually, so I avoid it at all costs. I have even stopped socializing with people in my place of residence (in terms of parties and stuff like that), just because it tires me out. So I just sit in my room and look at my favourite websites.

I try to study...I really do! I can never concentrate. I'm even getting bored of this particular post (in my mind there is someone saying "Ok, Vanessa, hurry it up!"). That might have something to do with my sleep apnea-ness that hasn't been taken care of yet. That's another story, another post.

Il Blog

Hello! It's my first blog! How insane! So I've read others' blogs and I have decided to make my own. So, in other words I am copying. But it's also a good place to vent! Right? I hope you will actually want to read my ventageing and my rants.

Anywho, I asked my roommate, who is an excellent blogger, what the key ideas are to blogging. Here are her rules:
1) Don't say anything mean about a specific person (just incase they read it and then they're like "Hey!...")
2) Don't write anything mean about your boss because they could read it and fire you
3) Otherwise, go crazy (a limited crazy)
Sweet, I can do that!

I think I will talk about painting now. I love to paint. Especially guitars. Sometimes I don't even paint to express my feelings or whatever, I just wanted to paint a balloon or a tree for no reason. Other times I will be all: "Oh man! I am so mad I just want to...PAINT!" If I am properly motivated I will paint my feelings.
I love when some people think my paintings are deeper than they actually are. Sometimes, they just aren't. Eg: my favourite painting, "The Bendy Guitar": it's just a guitar. That's it. I will let you in on a secret. It is bendy because I ran out of room. That's actually how a lot of my work ends up - the level of interestingness is directly proportional to the amount of mistakes I make.
I love painting!