Friday, March 27, 2009

Job: I need one

Oh hey! So, as some of you may well know, I need a job. Soon. Very soon.

I'm moving into my (rented) townhouse at the end of April, and I am so excited! I have a picture in my head of how the furniture is all arranged and stuff, but knowing my future housemate, that's probably not how it's going to look. :) But that's ok! I am fine with whatever! (I know, I'm such a push-over, I can't help it). Anywho, I really need a job so I can actually live in my house, without using my parents money. So this summer is full of working/taking summer courses and me being a crazy cat lady. (potential cat name = Fuzz Lambington).

So, the job search begins. And if you guys know me, I hate talking to strangers. Finding a job means I have to talk to strangers, and act like I love talking to strangers. This has proven to be difficult. The other day my roommate and I set out for the mall with eight resumes. I came back with five resumes. I suck at this! Everytime my roommate would be like "Oh, apply at (insert store name here)!", I would look in the store cautiously and if there was more than 1 costumer, I would say "No way, too busy. I'll come back". And then I never came back. Shoooot!!! And then my mom is all, "Make sure you do a follow up call!" If there is anything worse than handing in resumes, it's doing follow up calls. It usually goes like this: Me: "Hi, I was just wondering if you read my resume?" Potential Employer: "No, you idiot! We aren't even hiring now! Now leave me alone!" Ok, that doesn't really happen, but my imagination loves me.

Yeah, that is my job-hunt situation. Blah, I hate it.

1 comment:

  1. yes, your imagination thinks its useful in these situations.

    ZOMG!!!! I found the CUTEST kitty at the barn!!!! he's like 3 weeks old and part siamese. Do you want him? He's just freeeeking cuuuuuute! I would take him but my mommy says no :(
    and i got a job in elmira this morning :P :(
