Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh Hey!

Heeey, I'm back. Apparently my mind took a bit of a break. Lot's of random unexpected things happened since I last posted.

1) I confronted that one someone! Yay! So that's done...
2) I made new friends! It kind of branched off from #1, which is handy. It's like 2 for 1! Bonus! Anyway, yeah, my new friends are super awesome! Opinions are similar, and so are our senses of humour, so all is great! I think I already mentioned that in my last post, but...I forgot...and it's too late now.
3) I wiped out hardcore today! I was walking with my (new) friends and I pointed to a branch on a tree that was about 8 feet high, and said, "Do you think I could reach that?" They both said "Yeah" so I jumped. I failed to see the curb before I jumped, however, and I hit the curb, and fell down really slowly, it was weird. I get to wear a bandaid, which is a major bonus! But the significance of this fall, is that I didn't get embarrassed! (Ok, maybe just a little bit) I just laughed it off! This is so unlike me! Usually when I fall, I laugh, but in a sheepish "Oh shutup, [person I'm with]! I don't want to talk about it". But this was an actual laughing at myself laugh. And then all day, all I could picture was me falling and looking ridiculous, so I would burst out laughing again (in class, it was awkward).

I've also learned something very important from a friend of mine. He always tells me to do 2 things: Not be indicisive, and to do things only for yourself, and not anyone else. The making decisions thing is hard, but it actually feels good sometimes to just be like "We are going to Tim Horton's, so there" instead of spending 20 minutes worrying that if you suggest something the other person won't like it, etc, etc. It saves time, and, I don't's good to not lie and be like "I don't care". Because sometimes I do care, but I say I don't so that someone else can decide for me. And the second advice, to do things for yourself: this is good advice! Stop worrying and doing things for other people, just because it will please them. I'm still a pushover though...haha.

AND! I planted my garden! Yay!

1 comment:

    i like your new plan of decision-ing. it makes my life waaay easier.
