Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Interests?


As of late, I've realized I have a few new hobbies and interests. I think they've only surfaced now because they were masked by my depression and laziness before my super fantastic tonsilloadenoidectomy! ANYWAY!

Right, so, the main new hobby: cooking! So fun! It allows me to be creative and I always feel like a chemist when I'm experimenting with new ingredients and methods. And so far, I haven't made anything gross! The best part about cooking is you get to eat everything afterwards and I like eating.

I call my cooking style "simple". When I find a recipe online, I usually try and simplify it. Example: I looked up garlic baked chicken and got some complicated crazy thing with weird herbs etc. So this is my version:

- some chicken
- some garlic all chopped up (maybe two cloves? Whatever you want!)
- some random herbs you find around
- a couple jalapenos all cut up (but you don't have to if you don't like them)
- some kind of oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Put the chicken in a baking dish. Throw a whole bunch of oil and all the other things on the chicken. Bake for about 35 mins (flipping chicken every so often), or until it looks done to you. Yummy! You could also throw onions in there, any combo of fresh and dried herbs, whatever you find around! It can be different every time!

One thing that bothers me about other people's baking and cooking is how they get so crazy anal about accuracy. Honestly people, it doesn't matter all that much. I made zucchini bread the other day and I accidentally put in a whole cup more of zucchini than I was supposed to, and it turned out delicious! I remember baking with a friend back in highschool and she would slowly measure the things in the measuring cups and then carefully level them off with a knife. Waste. Of. Time. Just eyeball it. Don't even eyeball it, just scoop it and throw it in; I'm sure it's fine.

Also, I love making smoothies. That is all.

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