Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I find it annoying when people feel the need to one up everyone to try and impress them. No one listens to anyone else anymore. They just sit and wait for other people to stop talking so they can talk about themselves, and it's quite annoying. This is why I never usually do the talking when I'm with a group of friends, because I feel like...why even bother? They aren't hearing what I'm saying anyway.

It really blows my mind how a lot of people seem so selfish. I think I can guess what they're thinking when they talk to friends. One friend will be complaining about how she and her boyfriend are having a fight, and all the other friend is thinking about is "Wow, how dare she talk all about herself, when MY boyfriend and I are having an even worse fight! Mleh mleh mleh!" Come on, really? Do people even care anymore?

A few weeks ago, I was at this person's house with some other people, and two of the people were one-uppers, so everytime one would say something, the other would jump in and say something like "Well, that's nothing!" It got to the point where they were bragging about things that were non-braggable. Example: Girl 1: "My grandma died when I was 12 from a heart attack" Girl 2: "Well, MY grandma died on my tenth birthday from falling in the pool! Beat that!" How ridiculous is that! I was so baffled, I had to leave.

It's crazy. I actually prefer listening when I talk to friends.

Here is Brian Regan's take on it all about "Me Monsters":


1 comment:

  1. yay brian regan!! "I walked on the MOON!"
    and yah, i prefer not being in groups of people. I'm trying to stick to hanging out with people one or two at a time. it helps me avoid the temptation of one upping and helps me avoid one uppers.
