Thursday, April 15, 2010

Be Confident!

I am a push-over. Yes. It has recently come to my attention that this is not good. For example; my housemates tend to take advantage of my push-over-ness. They like to break my things, and then not tell me/apologize or anything...because they can get away with it. I think my problem is that I'm not quick enough to think "Heeeey, wait a miiiinute!..." Instead, my mind usually goes "Ugh, man! That sucks". I need to ask questions right away. Next time a cup is broken (I don't think there are any left to be broken, actually...niiice), I need to be all "How and why did this happen, and where and when shall I get a new one from the culprits?". At least I know my new roomie would be apologetic and remorseful had she broken one of my dishes. Yay! Very Soon!!

I am also an obsessive person. My mind always needs to be in one room or another (see previous blogs). And I cannot get over one obsession until I have found a new one. This drives me crazy. I have tried so hard to get a person off of my mind, to no avail. I even tried this silly thing where everytime that person entered my mind, I would replace that thought with this simple and stupid phrase: Everyday I am better and stronger. Sometimes it worked, but sometimes my obsessive thoughts just ate that sentence, and I had to start all over again.

However, taking Invertbrate Morphology and Evolution has made me appreciate a lot of organisms. I like going outside and just flipping over rocks and leaves and looking for random Gastropods, Crustaceans and Arthropods. Yay!

One more thing: I find people directly before an exam to be highly annoying. People like to announce their stress out loud to everyone, which makes me more stressed. AND! I have one friend who loves to quiz everyone before an exam. This always makes me 500 times more stressed, because he asks obscure questions that I don't know the answer to, and then I go into freak-out mode. And if people aren't explaining how stressed out they are, then they're bragging about how much they studied, which is always significantly more than I have. Guh!

1 comment:

  1. aww vee!! if i broke one of your dishes my head would literally explode from remorse.

    whenever i'm obsessing about something (ie: existentialism) i get really annoyed at myself. i have no solution to it, so i will try yours! actually when i'm obsessing over a guy i get to know him better, find the things i dislike about him, and then i don't like him any more.

    i'm taking invert toooooo!!! yeeaaaaa!!!!!!!
